State of LifeBahn - Update #4 – How to get Money

Through LifeBahn's Lens

Last Sunday, in session #4 of ‘A Lifetime of Education in 52 Weeks,’ we discussed:

  • Wealth Management - Specifically, when do
    you need money and how to get it.

  • We looked deeper into the ‘secret to success’ - the LIFE PROCESS for better understanding life
    itself, and introduced the notion of institutions.

  • Learned golden lesson #4 - ‘Nike! Just do it ….”

Talking about employment, there was a question: how come social media is all about making money by working for yourself? We will also discuss a better model for having your own business.

Next week, along with wealth management and employment, we will address this very issue. Although it may appear unrelated, we will also discuss the very important notion of “Rogue Institutions.”

We will also continue to focus on the US national debt, an undeniable fact, so that the American people in particular and all the people of the world will start paying attention, getting educated, and finding out that their governments, the institutions entrusted with their well-being, are, in fact, in part, if not in whole, responsible for most of the global problems.

They have been misinforming and deceiving the people all along.

It is time for the truth and real education. People now have access to GREAT and real education about the facts of life!

In fact that’s what LifeBahn’s ‘a lifetime of education in 52 weeks “ is all about. 

GREAT@ (Globally Relevant Education And Training} Academy, an education continuum, helping  to make a better life for our families and our future generations.  

  Our path to Prosperity.

Autobahn —  Road for Automobiles.

LifeBahn —- Road for life.      Built on the simple principle.

                                   While competition is a good way to succeed for a FEW,
                                    Collaboration is a BETTER way to succeed for MANY.

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