Nikki Haley Visits Israel, Signs Artillery Shells with Callous Messages

Through LifeBahn Lens

Former Republican presidential candidate and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, visited Israel over Memorial Day weekend, making headlines with a controversial act of support for Israel's military campaign in Gaza. During her visit, Haley signed Israeli artillery shells with messages such as "Finish them!" and "America loves Israel!"

A Display of Solidarity

Haley, accompanied by Danny Danon, a member of Israel’s parliament (the Knesset), toured an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) post on the northern border with Lebanon. The visit included interactions with IDF soldiers and a symbolic gesture where Haley signed artillery shells. Danon shared photos of this event on social media, praising Haley's support for Israel.

“This is what my friend, the former ambassador, Nikki Haley wrote today about a shell during a visit to an artillery post on the northern border,” Danon wrote on social media, highlighting Haley's messages.

International Backlash

Haley's actions have sparked significant controversy and criticism. Many have condemned the move as insensitive, especially given the ongoing violence in Gaza. The latest airstrikes in Rafah resulted in the deaths of an estimated 50 refugees, including many who had already been displaced by earlier conflicts. The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, referred to these airstrikes as “a tragic mistake.”

Haley's Perspective

During her visit, Haley also met with survivors of Hamas' October 7 attack, which killed approximately 1,190 people and resulted in about 240 hostages. She expressed unwavering support for Israel, stating that the U.S. should provide any necessary support and refrain from dictating Israel's military strategies.

“America needs to do whatever Israel needs and stop telling them how to fight this war,” Haley said. “Until you’ve lived it, you can’t say how to fight it. You’re either a friend or you’re not a friend.”

A Controversial Endorsement

After ending her 2024 presidential campaign in March, Haley recently endorsed former President Donald Trump, despite her earlier criticisms of him as “unhinged,” “diminished,” and unfit for office. This endorsement has added another layer to the complex and often divisive political landscape surrounding her actions and statements.


Nikki Haley's visit to Israel and her provocative messages on artillery shells have drawn sharp criticism and heightened tensions amid the ongoing conflict. As the violence continues to escalate, her actions serve as a stark reminder of the deeply rooted and highly contentious nature of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

While competition is a good way to succeed for a FEW,
               Collaboration is a BETTER way to succeed for MANY.

The path to peace in the Middle East will require collaborative efforts, empathy, and a commitment to resolving conflicts through dialogue and mutual understanding.
