The Palestinian Conflict

An Innovative Approach

The first step to any solution is to outline the problem and identify the desired outcome:

Background -  Accordiong to Wikipedia:

The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is an ongoing military and political conflict in the Levant. Beginning in the mid-20th century, it is one of the world's longest-continuing conflicts.[18] Key areas of the conflict include the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the status of Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, borders, security, water rights,[19] Palestinian freedom of movement,[20] and the Palestinian right of return.

The conflict has its origins in the arrival of Jewish immigrants and settlers to Palestine in the late 19th and 20th centuries and the advent of the Zionist movement.[21] The local Arab population opposed Zionism, primarily out of fear of territorial displacement and dispossession.[21] The Zionist movement garnered the support of an imperial power in the 1917 Balfour Declaration issued by Britain, which promised to support the creation of a "Jewish homeland in Palestine". Following World War I, Mandatory Palestine was established, and tensions grew into open sectarian conflict between Jews and Arabs.[22][23] In 1936, an Arab revolt erupted demanding independence, which the British suppressed.[24]

The 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine triggered the 1948 Palestine war, which saw the expulsion and flight of most Palestinian Arabs, the establishment of Israel on most of the Mandate's territory, and the control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank by Egypt and Jordan, respectively.[25][26] In the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel occupied the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (which became known as the Palestinian territories), which is now considered to be the longest military occupation in modern history, and has drawn international condemnation for violating the human rights of the Palestinians.[27]


There are really only two parties involved in this conflict.  The Israelis and Palestenians. There is a territory, currently consisting of  Israel, Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip. 

The two groups, Israelis and the Palestinians, like most people in the world, want to live in peace, raise their families and pursue their respective dreams and prosperity. A common goal.

However there are other parties, the government of Israel and the government/s of Palestine, who do not have the common goal but rather have their own agenda founded on competition between the Oppressors and the Victims. These are interchangeable terms as yesterday’s victime id today’s oppressor and todays’ oppressor tomorrow’s victim.  In addition there are other parties such as the USA, Russia, Iran  and various other countries who have their own agendas in supporting one or the other of these two competitors. And of course there are various enterprises such as the arms manufacturers’ and various other industries such as energy and the like who benefit from the continuation of this conflict.  These are the winners or the beneficiaries in this conflict.
The only losers are the two people, the Paletinians and the Israelis  ( one more than the other).

The Approach

Keep in the forefront the objective:

The two groups, Israelis and the Palestinians, like most people in the world, want to live in peace, raise their families and pursue their respective dreams and prosperity. Clearly the governments of Israel and the Palestine cannot be trusted to find the solution, in fact it would appear that they may even be exasperating the problem.  They just want to compete, fight and win.  Despite what they say, they do not care about the lives of people. Instead if they asked an independent third party to propose a solution on which they could freely vote, perhaps this conflict can be resolved without any further bloodshed and misery. Independent Third Party proposal. It is unrealistic to expect that the Israeli’s will simply pack up and leave Israel, regardless of how they ended up with the it. What is realistic is to expect that they should stop grabbing more and more territory. It is equally unrealistic to expect that the people of Palestine will give up their just struggle to keep their land and their livelihoods be taken away.  What is realistic is to expect that they agree to resolve their past grievances in peaceful manner between the two people not the two governments.

In practical terms what this simple means is that the two people recognize the 1967 boundaries and agree to help each other build a better life for their respective people.

Israel could use a bunch of the Billions they get from US to help the Palestinians build their respective infrastructure of education and industry to have jobs, instead of using this money to destroy the infrastructure.  If people (especially) children have education and employment they don’t have time to fight, especially fight those who are helping them. 

It is not very hard to imagine Israelis and Palestinian people:
Living side by side, their respective forces work together to root out those who, in their self interest, are fueling the flames of conflict.
Sharing and enjoying their common heritage and culture.
Learning and understanding their respective differences and finding common ground.

Only if the people had free choice and were able to choose this path.
Unfortunately, people like Netanyahu and the leaders of Hammas will not let the people have their voice and do not want a fair solution to the conflict. If the conflict goes away it makes them irrelevant.

So the solution boils down to having a platform where the peoples of Israel and Palestine who want to live in peace with each other could come together and speak with a common voice, on ly then and perhaps only then will there be peace.
Perhaps a new virtual community, Palestine Israeli Peaceful Environment (PIPE), a Peace PIPE  is needed for this purpose.  Creating this virtual community is easy, managing might be a bit hard. But if the people have the will no obstacle is too big.  Go ahead, join this community, as a member, if you are an Israeli or a Palestinian, or as a supporter if you want to help these two people live in peace and prosper.

This is what the Palestinian Crisis and the solution looks like through the LifeBahn lens.

Stay tuned for more Innovative approaches to other conflicts.  

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